What I Do
Developmental editing
Books that sell require a powerful hook, vivid setting and description, compelling character arcs, rising tension, believable dialogue, solid scene structure, a plot that holds together, well-calibrated pacing, and a satisfying climax.
All manuscripts need to be free from grammar problems, typos, filler words, unwieldy construction, and broken mechanics. Those things distract and annoy readers, throw people out of the story, and lead to bad reviews at online retailers.
You could pay thousands of dollars to work with a hybrid publisher, but why would you want to? All you need is an editor and a designer. After your book has been published, selling it at online retailers is easier than you might think.

Developmental Editing and Manuscript Evaluation
Development editing is the first editing phase and addresses the following questions:
- Does my opening grab the reader’s attention and refuse to let them go?
- How can I get unstuck?
- Are there any plot holes or illogical turns of events?
- Are my characters believable and well-rounded enough that readers can imagine them as real people outside the confines of the story?
- Does the pacing feel right?
- Are my suspense scenes actually suspenseful?
- How about my setting and description? Can readers “see” my story as if it’s a movie playing in their mind? Do I have too much or not enough?
- Does the dialogue sound right?
- Am I missing any key elements of story structure?
- Does my book meet audience expectations?
- Are there boring scenes that I need to cut or revise?
- Am I missing anything?
- Is the climax satisfying?
- Will readers want to buy my next book after they finish this one?
Editing is more of an art than a science, and I’m not going to use some cooked-up, one-size-fits-all formula. Nor will I turn your book into my book. Instead, I’m going to help you make your book its best possible self so you can reach more readers.
Developmental editing focuses on big-picture items like plot, scene structure, character development, point of view, setting and description, the hook, the tortured middle, the climax and ending, pacing, and so on. It includes two related services. First, I’ll read your manuscript twice with great care and write a ten-to-twenty page (single-spaced) editorial letter that includes an overview of the manuscript and actionable, concrete steps for improving it. Additionally, I’ll add margin notes to the manuscript itself that point out troublesome sections, paragraphs, sentences, and even words with surgical precision so you’ll know exactly what needs attention and how to fix it. Ask for a free sample edit and estimate so you’ll know what to expect from me, how much it will cost, and how long it will take.
Manuscript evaluation is a lighter and less expensive version of developmental editing for authors who may not need as much granular feedback but still want to find out what isn’t quite working and how to fix it. I’ll read your manuscript twice with great care and write a ten-to-twenty page (single-spaced) editorial letter that includes an overview of the manuscript and actionable, concrete steps for improving it, but I won’t add margin notes to the manuscript itself. Ask for a free sample edit and estimate so you’ll know what to expect from me, how much it will cost, and how long it will take.
If you’re not sure what you need, that’s okay. Send me an email, and we’ll figure it out together.

No publisher would ever skip copy editing. They wouldn’t survive if they didn’t publish clean books.
And every publisher relies on The Chicago Manual of Style to ensure quality and consistency across the industry. I use it too and can cite it from memory, so you can expect the same level of professional service from me.
And while I may be a grammar, punctuation, and word usage geek, I am no grammar cop. Only bad editors say you can’t break the rules if you know what you’re doing and your voice and style are better for it.
Everything is transparent, and all edits are optional. I track all the edits, and you’re free to reject any that don’t feel quite right for you. (I break a few rules in my own writing, although I do it carefully and with my eyes open.) And I’ll explain why I make changes if the reason isn’t obvious so you can trust that I’m not editing arbitrarily or imposing mysterious rules from above.
I certainly won’t step on your style or voice. A quality line editor and copy editor enhances an author’s authentic style and voice by removing errors, awkward phrasing, and lack of clarity that can get in the way.
Line editing improves paragraph structure, transitions, information flow, sentence construction, clarity, awkward phrasing, wordiness, logic, dialogue mechanics, the excessive use of passive voice, and more so that your writing is clear and compelling. Line edits are always suggestions as there’s no single, objectively correct way to line edit a manuscript. It’s an art, and ultimately it comes down to the editor’s skill, experience, and professional judgment. Line editing and copy editing can be combined into a single service if you want.
Email me and ask for a free sample edit and estimate so you’ll know exactly what you’ll get from me, how much it will cost, and how long it will take.
Copy editing is about the little things: grammar mistakes, punctuation errors, typos, and so on, that distract and annoy readers. No author can afford to skip this. Copy editing and line editing can be combined into a single service if you want.
Email me and ask for a free sample edit and estimate so you’ll know exactly what you’ll get from me, how much it will cost, and how long it will take.
Proofreading is the final and sometimes optional stage before publication after a manuscript has been copyedited. A proofreader makes one last clean-up pass through the manuscript to fix stray errors. It’s less labor intensive than copy editing and therefore less expensive, but it can’t replace copy editing. Email me and ask for a free sample edit and estimate so you’ll know exactly what you’ll get from me, how much it will cost, and how long it will take.
If you’re not sure what you need, that’s okay. Send me an email, and we’ll figure it out together.

Your book is ready for publication. Now what?
Traditional publishers only pay around 8 percent royalties. While hybrid publishers pay as much as 70 percent, they charge thousands and thousands of dollars just to get started. But all you need to sell your books on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iTunes, Google Play, Kobo, and more is an editor and a designer, and design is surprisingly inexpensive. When you independently publish a book, the retailer prints copies on demand and ships them for you. Once you hit Publish, you don’t have to do anything else except sit back and wait to be paid.
Independent publishing services. Publishing your own book is easier than ever. After your manuscript is ready for publication, all you need is an attractive cover design, an e-book file, and a nicely designed print-ready PDF for the paperback edition. If your manuscript doesn’t have a lot of complicated design elements (tables, photographs, and so on) I can design an e-book and a print-ready PDF for a flat fee of $250. I can also introduce you to one of the best cover designers in the business. Send me an email and tell me about your project.
Post-publication marketing. Your book has been published. Now what? You could just let it sit there and hope for the best, or you can develop a marketing plan. It’s easier and less expensive than you probably think. Send me an email and we’ll talk.

“Writers searching for thorough, insightful, and immensely helpful editing will find it with Michael J. Totten. He helped me clarify murky language, fix problems with the plot, and add greater impact to the climax.” Caroline Taylor, author of Beautiful in Death

“If you’re looking for an editor to help you take your book to the next level, look no further than Michael J. Totten. I’ve always found his astute insights invaluable.” Scott William Carter, author of The Gray and Guilty Sea

“I’ve admired Michael J. Totten’s work as a writer for years, but it turns out he is also a superb editor. He copyedited my most recent novel, and he was a delight to work with from start to finish. He’s quick, responsive, constructive, and sharp-eyed. You can’t go wrong working with him.” Judith Deborah, author of A Falling Knife: An Evan Adair Mystery

“I strongly recommend the services of Michael J. Totten. As an accomplished writer, journalist, and editor, Michael is second to none. He has helped me with two books and enormously improved both. He is very responsive to questions and concerns and easy to work with, and I look forward to working with him on my third book.” Fred Litwin, author of I Was a Teenage JFK Conspiracy Freak

“Michael was both professional and prompt. He edited, did the interior design, and published two of my novels. He brings experience as a prize-winning author to the table, and this enriches his editorial and procedural insights and recommendations. His critiques were constructive, encouraging, and took my unique voice and strengths into consideration. I highly recommend him and intend to use him again.” Erik Bundy, author of Magic and Murder Among the Dwarves
Contact Me
Tell me what you’re working on, send me your questions, ask for a free sample edit, or just say hi.
michaeltotten001 at gmail dot com